Visiting social networking sites, online gaming, online shopping- seem to be usual activities which are somehow enrolled in our everyday lives. Nowadays, we cannot imagine a day without a computer and our favorite websites. However, isn't it going too far sometimes? I'm sure all of us can find at least one example of a person whose life is dominate by new media or to some extend distorted: some of these people cannot go out witout the mobile; some do not go out at all cause their social life takes place in the SNSs(social networking sites) and some of them prefer meeting creatures from their favourite game.
The post was inspired by the recent event which concerns the case of a couple from South Korea who let their baby starve to death when they were busy playing online game Prius for 12 hours [sic]. It was not the first case in which technology caused problems in everyday life. That is why in South East Asia spreaded online gambiling clinics. As Zoe Kleinman BBC news technology reporter says a treatment in London is also available:
The programme is designed for young people who spend large amounts of time each day playing computer games or using social network websites.
When deprived they become "chronically agitated and irritable" said the treatment's founder Dr Richard Graham.
Dr Graham's treatment programme lasts 28 days if done intensely.
However it is not designed to wean people entirely off using technology, he told BBC News.
"It's not realistic to have an abstinence programme," he said.
"Most addictive behaviours peak in youth and you're more likely to be male - but the internet is gender neutral.
"The preoccupation with accessing sites and responding to messages is so compelling that it gets prioritised... it can impact on other areas of life and skew young people's ability to engage in other activities."
Well...the majority of us probably do not want to admit that this problem concerns also us.
Thinking about myself, I do not really want to know how many times I visited my facebook profile or my gmail today (even while writing this post).
As it was said by Graham "You can't avoid the internet, you can't avoid technology" but I think we should be alert and observe if our behavior is not getting out of control.
To sum up, I have attached one movie which is a record of a behavior of a boy whose mother deleted his warcraft account. For me it is scary:/
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